Discover what you are capable of...

What if instead of “take headstand if it’s in your practice” you were actually taught how to do it?

What if instead of being presented with endless class options, you were directed on what you needed to actually see progress?

What if instead of scratching the surface, you developed a sustainable practice that let you go deeper?

And what if, in tearing down the boundaries you set up for yourself on your mat, you ended up tearing down the boundaries you set up for yourself in your life, too?

Difficult things become accessible when we break them down. Step by step. Day by day.

All it takes is the decision to start where you are.

What the Sādhaka Community has to say...

Keyt Martins
Tal Cohen

"I'm loving this [pincha] series! Thank you for talking us through each part. It's really helpful having someone telling you about how and where your weight should be, whether you should have your core engaged, etc.❤️🔥 Can't wait for the next series.✨"

Keyt Martins

"This [pincha series] is soooo good. As I am practicing constantly, but have a tremendous fear of falling--this is amazing!! Thank you.🙌🏼"

Tal Cohen

Your backbend journey is so inspiring! I struggle so much with backbends too 😅. You’re right about feeling like fighting for every inch of it 😂. But that’s why I love it even more, because it challenges me and I know the rewards will be so much better knowing I worked so hard for it ❤️. Thanks for the inspiration 😊😊. I love your tutorials too!!!


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